Drusillas Park gets a new gardener!
Drusillas Park is delighted to have welcomed a new gardener to the Estate Team this week!
26-year-old Ryan Bishop, from Uckfield, made a leap for the position after seeing the job advertised on the Drusillas Facebook page. Ryan commented: “after working for a number of years as a landscape gardener this opportunity seemed like a brilliant chance to try my hand somewhere new.”
The red pandas give Ryan the nod of approval!
“I’m loving the job so far! A definite highlight for me was getting the chance to see the red pandas up close. I was tasked with cutting back the dogwood in their enclosure, so it was a real treat to be so close to such an amazing animal; although, they did keep coming to check that I wasn’t messing up their home!”
Dad to two young children, Ryan is now more than a hero in their little eyes. Ryan said: ‘My daughter Lillie is nearly 3 years old, and my son Joey is just 9 months. Lillie in particular loves that I am now working at a zoo. I am forever being asked, ‘Daddy when can I come and see the monkeys?’ We’ll be popping down soon enough I’m sure!”
A Planting Paradise
With so much exciting change taking place at the Zoo, Ryan definitely has plenty to keep him busy. The June launch date of Drusillas brand new attraction Go Safari! is drawing ever closer, and the areas surrounding it are being dressed up with lots of new plants and trees. Ryan’s green fingers will be sprucing up the new area to give it a real look of the wild.
Drusillas is thrilled to be welcoming Ryan to their team, and wishes him all the best in his new position.