‘To Granny…Love Clarissa.’
‘To Granny…Love Clarissa.’
Drusillas Helps 4-year-old Send Letters to Poorly Grandmother From All Over the World
“Granny, I love you so much it reaches all around the world. Love, Clarissa.”
4 year old Clarissa Greenfield, from Leicester, has been sending handwritten notes to her poorly Grandmother from as many places they have visited together as possible. Clarissa’s mother, Felicity Greenfield, asked Drusillas Park in Alfriston for a little help to complete their mission.
Clarissa’s grandmother, Denise Mansfield (51), has been struggling with her health recently, suffering two brain aneurysms; one of which has left her without much feeling on her left side.
In a heart-warming attempt to put the smile back on Denise’s face, both Felicity and Clarissa have been asking attractions all across the world to help them spread Clarissa’s love for her Grandmother.
Felicity Greenfield, aged 24, said: “My little girl Clarissa loves my Mum to pieces. Everyday Clarissa rings my Mum and at the end of the call she says ‘Granny I love you so much it reaches… Drusillas, Lands’ End, Newquay Aquarium, or wherever we have been recently.’ Clarissa and I decided to see how far we could get her love to Granny to travel.”
“We have had responses from America, Spain, Australia, and lots of people throughout the UK.” Felicity continued “My Mum is amazing and I couldn’t have wished for someone more supportive and loving. She has been an amazing Granny; she takes Clarissa on holiday every year just the two of them for a special week.”
After spending many memorable occasions at Drusillas with her family, Felicity contacted the zoo and asked them to take a photo of a handwritten letter containing Clarissa’s message to her Grandmother.
Director and Head of Marketing, Cassie Poland, said: “We were more than happy to help Felicity and her daughter out with their request. We were really touched by their story, and even more so when we learned that they had frequented Drusillas in the past.”
“We took a photo of little Clarissa’s message in our meerkat enclosure. Meerkats seemed like the perfect choice, as they are a very family orientated species. We wish them both the best of luck with passing on their message, and we wish Denise well.”